Copyright All rights reserved: Elena Danaan

Star system: Ashaara (Taygeta/Pleiades)
Planet: Erra
Race: Ahel
Height: 6.2 Ft
Skin: fair. High cheek bones.
Hair: blond, short cut.
Eyes: Cyan blue
Position: High Commander of the battle station Excelsior,GFW.
These transmissions are not channellings but communication via technology or physical encounters
Feb 03 2025 - SNN 63
Salutations, people of Earth. I am Admiral Ardaana from the XL6 Sol battle station. I have been in function on this orbital station for two decades as High Commander Admiral. I occupied formerly to this function, the grade of High Command officer. My life hasn’t always been simple, since I came into the Sol star system to fulfil my career assignment, but I found in the motivation for the cause of the liberation of your planet, a purpose in life, which I had lost since my husband died. Fighting in this war, leading troops, working in cooperation with the Earth Alliance, has been a passionate time for me. I have loved being at service of the people of Earth. Now, comes the time when this war is reaching to an end. I have fought for you, now I will move on to other battles. I am a war chief. Times of peace are not for me; I must join other battles. The galactic war that is raging as I speak, needs me.
I am leaving the command of the XL6 Sol in the worthy hands, brilliant mind and mighty heart of HC Jor-El. My new assignment will take place before the end of this year, when things will settle on your planet. I will be promoted to Operations Command Admiral at the headquarters of the Federation. It is not of the highest functions, as the Operations Command includes several sub-sections, but my task will be of crucial importance in this galactic war against the Ciakahrr Empire. I may be called to lead fleets into combat, wherever it is required. This is the life I love, this is the life I live.
Everyone shall find their purpose and call, for when we do, we are best able to assist Creator in the dual balance of forces.
I remain near you for a while still, and we will talk again. When I see what humanity of Earth has achieved, my heart couldn’t be prouder. You are very special.
High Commander Admiral Ardaana.
Dec 11 2023
Here is High Commander Ardaana speaking. Our Emissary will relay this message to you all. I have been monitoring some confused actions lead by deceptive information, regarding public access to new medical technologies due to be implemented on Terra, in public medical centers that you name hospitals. As long as certain influential corporations will be in power on Terra, these medical technologies will be withheld and their implementation pending. Meanwhile, it is reported to me that human groups and individuals are taking financial opportunity on the situation. There are interesting new alternative medical devices created by humans, using quantum healing and sound frequencies, whom we inspire through personal contact, spreading globally, and it is worth your attention. Only those tagged as “medbeds” shall raise your concern, especially when a currency deal is requested.
The real medical technology that we are bringing forth to you is nothing in comparison. It uses holographic frequential tech that no Terran civilian has been able to develop through to this day; for their personal safety we do not encourage it for the moment. All will be revealed and implemented in time. Know that medical priority will be given to the builders of the future of Terra: the younger ones. Genetic alterations and severe diseases will be repaired first, concerning older generations. When time will come, when these grave diseases will be eradicated from the surface of this planet and leave no trace through generations to come, these specific medical technologies will be available for everyone to use as to maintain youth and health if they want to. Will come a time when every house will own such a device, and it will be as basic as having a shower unit. If you could see the times that are ahead of you, just as we can, you would wake up with a smile every day. Humanity of Terra must thrive and multiply, and reach out for the stars.
High Commander Admiral Ardaana.