Copyright All rights reserved: Elena Danaan

Star system: Sirius B
Planet: Ashtari-Nibiru
Race: Anakh
Skin: fair, with a gold shimmer.
Hair: bald
Eyes: nuances of emerald to celestine
Position: Royal Princess Great Grandniece of Prince Ea/Enki
Inanna is back with Ea and she lives with other members of her family on the mothership Nibiru, actually parked near Jupiter. I had several occasions to meet her and I can say that Inanna is the incarnation of grace, beauty and feminine wisdom. Although she is only an Anakh woman from the royal house of Anu, Inanna was worshiped as a goddess in many ancient societies as Ishtar, Aphroditis, Venus and equivalent names. Her grand-father was the half-Ciakahrr Enlil, her father was Nannur, one of Enlil's sons, but Inanna and her twin brother Utu inherited more of the human genetic side of the family, through their mother Ningal. It happens to be slightly different regarding the older sister and first child of Nannur and Ningal, Ereshkigal, who even though took human genetics after their mother, nourishes a mischievous personality more in the Ciakahrr line of Enlil.
Some of Inanna's relatives

Great Grandfather
Emperor of the Anakh Empire in the Nataru branch

& youngest son of Enlil and a Human mother

Older Sister

These transmissions are not channelling but the report on communications via physical encounters.
June 17 2024
Beloved, unique, magnificent humans of Ki, I have been watching you through our viewing instruments from my dear grand-uncle's mothership. Here, in your star system. I am very fond of you, humans of Ki. I participated in your creation a very long time ago, so long ago that I cannot remember the exact number of days on Ki. Time flows differently for us, as you will soon understand. We do not count our years in the gravitational time of Ki, your planet, your home world, but in our time, the Anakh time, which flows more slowly.
I know your potential. I know who you are. Do you? I am sure you do. Our common enemies have clouded your perception of reality. It is not your fault. It is not your guilt to bear, but theirs. Their responsibility. But it is fine, now you are on your way to such a beautiful future. Please do not pay attention to their fears; they are not yours. Everything that comes from outside is not yours. You decide what gifts you want to take in. Pay attention to the poisonous gifts. They are all wrapped in fear. Many of you feel sick, with diseases that are poisons wrapped in fear. You understand: these diseases are making their way to you and being kept active in your bodies by the carrier frequency wave of fear. 100 Hz. If you deny the frequency of fear, not only will new diseases not be able to reach you, but those that are already inside you will slowly break apart. That is one thing. I recommend that you begin, as a daily routine, exercises that involve the control of your conscious mind over your body. If your thoughts have the ability to transform the existing holographic network of reality, then your thoughts also have the power to reorganize the frequency rate between the particles in your own body, and to re-harmonize the dissonant tissues and emotions, and to mend the broken DNA bonds. What technology can do for you, you can do far more powerfully and permanently with the power of your own thoughts.
Share this knowledge with all others, on Ki. My beloved ones, I am watching over you and I have never, not even for a millisecond, stopped loving you.
~Inanna Royal daughter of the House of Anu~
April 15 2024
My granduncle Ea always tried to protect humans of Ki from the terrible misdeeds of my grandfather Yuh. My grandfather Yuh was a horrible person who only had hate in his heart. Believe me when I say that my grandfather Yuh was incapable of compassion. Compassion was not part of the natural configurations of his reptilian mind. Yes, my grandfather Yuh was half Ciakahrr, from his mother Queen Tia. She was a despicable person, and she was slaughtered by my uncle Marutuk, Ea’s first born. This story goes back to a long time ago, when war ravaged Ki, not only for the custody of Ki, because Ki was only a battleground for most important purpose. They fought for the throne of the empire. Everyone knew then that my grandfather Yuh was to be the heir to Anu's empire, and Anu feared assassination attempts when he realized the mistake he had made in accepting Queen Tia's deal. Ki was undeniably a battleground for higher agendas.
My uncle Marutuk was coerced to my grandfather Yuh’s side, to lead a rebellion against his own father, my uncle Ea. Ea was broken hearted. He loved Marutuk so very dearly, and he had for him great and beautiful dreams. But you see, my grandfather Yuh was despicable. He did everything he could to destroy Ea on as many levels as possible. So, my grandfather Yuh compromised Marutuk for his own dark reptilian agenda. My grandfather Yuh influenced Marutuk to lead a rebellion of Anakhim, in the military factions and in the court. Marutuk fell to the deep dark side of the soul, taking with him in his fall the army he had mounted against his father. Humans of Ki know Marutuk by the name of Lucifer. In the eyes of my grandfather Yuh, Marutuk became a better candidate to succeed him and inherit his assets than my grandfather's own son, the firstborn male, Ninurta. Ninurta and Marutuk fought as enemies for a long time. It was Marutuk who was commissioned by Enlil's assembly to get rid of Queen Tia so that Ninurta's claim to the throne would pass to Marutuk. And that is what happened.
Marutuk, Enlil-Yuh and Ninurta became the ruling triad of the new Ki, enslaving the humans of Ki on many levels: genetic, mental and spiritual. The humans of Ki lived under this tyranny until we came back and liberated this star system with the people of other galaxies, the Intergalactic Confederation. My grandfather Yuh is now incarcerated, and he will not come near your star system again. You can rest assured that neither will Marutuk, whom you call Lucifer, for he has also been arrested and neutralized.
There are greater purposes to focus your attention on, such as your freedom and the air you breathe, becoming aware that with every breath you take, you are manifesting your individuality and your freedom.
Do not worship us, for we are not gods. The time of the gods is past. Now is the time of men.
I am Inanna, princess of the house of Anu, friend of Ki.
Nov 13 2023
Dear children of Ki. I have loved living on your beautiful planet, many eons ago, as well as on nearby planet Naara. Here I am now, back with our imperial prince Ea, my dear and beloved uncle. I was chosen to be playing an influential role in the future of this galaxy, but it is not to be disclosed at this precise moment, yet. I have interest in the destiny of the children of Ki, for which many have come to help from various parts of Nataru. I wish to see the children of my beloved uncle thrive in happiness and freedom, and this is what I can see, from where I stand, out of Ki’s linear gravitational time. My message is to bring your awareness to the beauty of your true primeval essence. See with the eyes that have been given to you. Feel with the heart that has been given to you. Think with the mind that has been given to you. Transcend the illusion that was placed between your eyes and the true vision of reality. Nothing can come in-between you and your destiny. You are tremendously loved, and it is in this love, that you shall walk each day that is gifted to you on marvelous Ki.
Mars 28 2023
Ea is a distant grand-uncle to me regarding Ki’s family standards. I am the direct grand-daughter of Yuh, although I more-likely chose to bear the genetics of my mother, who was human. I despise Yuh, for all that he has done. I was given the governorate of Lahamu, the second planet, by my uncle Marutuk when he reigned upon this star system. My grand-father Yuh had Ki to himself, but he shared as well Anshar (Saturn) with Marutuk because of the portal they had repurposed there, linking directly to our homeworld. Marutuk didn't create a portal on Anshar; it was already there, left by a very ancient civilization nobody knows anything about. The interdimensional stargate was closed and abandoned. Marutuk found it, reactivated it and set its coordinates to Ashtari. The Nebu took hold of it for a while, by agreements with Marutuk.
My real name means “Daughter of the light of Source”. It is pronounced Inuruanna. The people of Ki simplified it in their own language to Inanna or Ninanakh, but you can still call me Inanna. The Humans of Ki have invented stories and deified us. They erected temples and cults in our names, not understanding that in truth, we were only people. Well… my grandfather pretended to these Humans that he was an almighty god. Enlil, Yuh. He is my grandfather. I had Ciakahrr blood but I removed it from my genes. I despise anything that has to do with Reptiloids. It is fine now, Yuh is gone, he has been judged and he won’t do anything to us anymore.